Registering and Flushing DNS. The DNS resolver cache maintains a history of DNS lookups that have been performed when a user accesses network resources using TCP/IP. This cache contains forward lookups, which provide host name to IP address resolution, and reverse lookups, which provide IP address to host name resolution.
Dec 20, 2018 11 networking commands every Windows admin should use Sep 01, 2017 Command Prompt Commands: A Complete List (CMD Commands) Mar 10, 2020 21 CMD Commands All Windows Users Should Know Feb 21, 2019
Sep 16, 2019 · hardware – commands for checking hardware properties and configuring hardware; iscsi – VMware iSCSI commands; network – this namespace includes a wide range of commands for managing general host network settings (such as the IP address, DNS settings of an ESXi host, firewall) and virtual networking components such as vSwitch, portgroups etc.
How to use command history in Command Prompt for Windows Nov 29, 2018 IP Commands for DOS/Windows - What Is My IP
Dec 20, 2018
Dec 20, 2018 · To reset the DNS resolver cache, perform the following steps: Select the “Start” button, then type “cmd“. Right-click “Command Prompt“, then choose “Run as Administrator“. Type ipconfig /flushdns then press “Enter“. (be sure there is a space before the slash) Feb 14, 2011 · As Meinolf said, yes, it registers with DNS. THat is, as long as only the internal DNS server is configured in the NIC, and the Primary DNS SUffix matches the zone name, and that updates are allowed in the zone. Usually we don't need to use that switch unless we are troubleshooting. Jan 28, 2020 · Next, type ‘cmd’ inside the text box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open up an elevated CMD prompt. When you’re prompted by the UAC (User Account Control) , click Yes to grant administrative privileges.