Putin: What Snowden did to the NSA was 'wrong' | TheHill

Snowden: The NSA planted backdoors in Cisco products Greenwald reveals that a program called X-KEYSCORE allows "real-time" monitoring of a person's online activities, enabling the NSA to NSA leaker Edward Snowden reveals self, has no apologies NSA leaker reveals self, has no apologies. Short URL. “If Edward Snowden did in fact leak the NSA data as he claims, the United States government must prosecute him to the fullest extent of Snowden Reveals NSA Program Described as 'Last Straw Aug 13, 2014

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden first revealed the programs by leaking information about them to journalists in 2013. After the news coverage, the administration of President Barack Obama

The Snowden Archive. This repository is a complete collection of all documents leaked by former National Security Agency contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden that have subsequently been published by news media around the world. If you notice something is missing or wrong, please file an issue or tweet at @iamcryptoki. Global surveillance disclosures (2013–present) - Wikipedia Background. Barton Gellman, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who led The Washington Post ' s coverage of Snowden's disclosures, summarized the leaks as follows: . Taken together, the revelations have brought to light a global surveillance system that cast off many of its historical restraints after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.Secret legal authorities empowered the NSA to sweep in the

“It’s the deception of the government that’s revealed,” Snowden said, noting that the Obama administration offered false public assurances after the initial reports about NSA surveillance

Sep 06, 2013 · The latest Snowden scoops adopt an alarmist tone, presenting what is essentially an apocalyptic vision of a world in which encryption has been rendered all but useless because of NSA supercomputers. Sep 17, 2019 · "Permanent Record" reveals new details about Snowden’s decision in 2013 to steal a trove of files about the NSA's bulk collection of phone and internet metadata and leak those documents to