OS deployment failed.Error code 0x80070002
Jul 15, 2013 · All task sequences have been running without a problem but just today all task sequences fail promptly when choosing the task through the sccm boot option screen. (0x80004005) An error occurred while resolving dependencies I have recreated a new task and chose an existing image and same problem occurs. Oct 22, 2019 · Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005 when installing Surface Pro 6 devices using MDT; Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005 when installing Surface Pro 6 devices using MDT May 24, 2013 · Hi, there are more errors seen in your smsts.log file: Failed to locate the local data path. The files needed to resume the task sequence are missing. Jul 24, 2012 · The smsts.log file moves around while running the task sequence, so were to find the log file depends on in what step the task sequence are when it fails. Log file location: If task sequence completes when running in the full operating system with an Configuration Manager 2007 client installed on the computer:
The OEM Task Sequence Incorrectly Appears for a Boot Image Created for a Different Processor Architecture. Problem: A task sequence based on a LTI OEM task sequence template is showing up for a boot image with a different processor architecture. For example, an OEM task sequence that deploys a 64-bit operation system is showing on a 32-bit boot
New Hotfix: Task sequence fails with an “0x80004005” error
Apr 04, 2016
Feb 20, 2020 · Click on the tab Network Access Account, choose Specify the account that accesses network locations(by default the option is set to Use the computer account of Configuration Manager client). Hello there, After updating my Microsoft Deployment Toolkit to the 2013 version, I encountered these errors. I didn’t expect to have so many errors and also I don’t know how to solve them. Can an expert help me please to fix this one ? Thanks ! Failure Operating system deployment did not complete successfully. Please review the log files to determine the cause of the problem During the Oct 26, 2015 · Create an Upgrade task sequence. 1. Right click on Task Sequences and select Create Task Sequence. 2. Select Upgrade an operating system from upgrade package and click Next. 3. Enter a task sequence name and a description and click Next. 4. Next to the Upgrade package field, click Browse and select the new created upgrade package and click OK. 5. Using the above commands to manually format/partition the drive in each laptop helped me get the imaging working; the true solution was for the SCCM admin to rollback the image to a previous version as these commands shouldn’t be necessary. It installs the Configuration Manager client into the new OS, and prepares for the task sequence to continue execution in the new OS. This step is responsible for transitioning the task sequence from Windows PE to the full OS. WinPE never starts the task sequence. Check the SMSTS.LOG file at X:\windows\temp\smstslog\smsts.log.If a package never downloaded, it is likely that you simply do not have the appropriate network drivers installed, which prevents the machine from communicating with Configuration Manager. The Execution of the group (Capture Image) has Failed and the Execution has been aborted. An action Failed. Operation aborted (Error;00000002;Source:Win dows) Failed to Run the last action: Create WIM Execution of task sequence failed The System cannot find the file specified. (Error: 00000002;Source:Windows) Task Sequence Engine failed!